Our Opportunity Is Coming Back…
Times have been challenging around the globe with COVID 19 panadamic. This has certainly been a time where I have really found myself reflecting on a whole new side of things. For many, most of 2020 a lot of our opportunities have been taken away from us. A lot of what we love has been taken away from us.
So for those that want to go forward and do new things, bigger things, maybe better things, more important things, things that better ourselves, things that better the people around us, things that are true to the path that you are on. Unfortunately due to the pandemic and the restrictions, many haven’t been able to do that.
And for a lot of people who have been on severe lockdown, they have been stuck at home to think.
Sometimes not always positive.
Soon, and through the next few months/years ahead we are going to move back into normal. Or whatever the new COVID normal is. And I have thought to myself, (and not that I really ever did) never should we let opportunities for us to strive and grow go past us again.
Because what we’ve just experienced for most this year is what it really feels like when it is taken away. What we have been through is not the same as when we take it away ourselves through doubt, fear, insecurity, I’m not good enough, I can’t do it, its too hard, I’m tired.
So I invite you, that if you have been sitting on something. If you have been feeling something if you know deep inside you have wanted to go after something new; career, relationship, business, travel, family, a discussion you have wanted to have, whatever it might be. That this pandemic has shown us what it really feels like when something is taken away and your opportunity to go out there and thrive and be you, just you, the best version of you really feels like when it is taken away.
We should honour, respect and be grateful when things do open back up. Because YOU are allowed to go out there and achieve any of those things that have been hovering over you.
Because now more than ever do you know what it feels like when those opportunities are taken away and you just can’t. Its also a time to beĀ grateful and really respect our opportunities that are going to come.
So take time to absolutely reach into yourself and go out there and get what’s right for you. Because you’ve believed in it and that opportunity is coming.
So when those restrictions do lift where you are in the world, say now I am going to go forward and continue to bring the best of myself forward.
And if I have been holding back some your own best dreams, aspirations, ideas, music, talent and you’ve left it inside.
I ask you that if there are parts of you that you want to bring to the surface and share with the world after a once in 100 year pandemic, please let the people see it. Let the people hear it. Let the people feel it.
Our opportunity is coming back again and what the world needs is people who have come alive from the inside out for the greater good. And when you bring your best to the table, we are all going to win.
So, may we all rise to continue to discover our best and true potential in all areas of life.
Because our opportunity is coming back…..
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