Helping You Become a Better Partner for Your Horse

Official 12 Week Program 

Unlock your true riding potential

We spend all our time training our horse to improve their balance, their strength and their fitness. Yet dressage, or any form of riding, is a team sport. Are you also working on your own core strength, balance & flexibility so your horse can move more freely beneath you?

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This program has helped...

21,000+ Participants
 81 Countries

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This program is proven to work. It is highly likely that someone in your town has completed the program and achieved great results. 

Keep reading to discover why this program is so popular...

Riding is a team sport 

Any form of riding is a team sport. We train with our horse to perform beautiful dances together, creating a common language & forming an unbreakable team bond. Moving together in unity is the ultimate goal.

But often as riders we don’t ever consider ourselves, we don’t invest the time into improving our own suppleness, stability, stamina or mindset in the saddle.
It’s possible that we may be holding our horse back, or making life more difficult for them, without even knowing it!

We should never forget that it's a partnership. The amount of time we spend focusing on our horse's training, improving their fitness, strength, and suppleness, if we put the same amount of effort into our side of the equation, our partnership with our horse will soar. 

This program focuses on YOU as the rider, so you can be the best version of yourself in the saddle, and give your best for your horse.

Challenges you may face

We all have some aspect of our riding we want to improve, this constant search for ease and grace is the beauty and challenge of horseback riding.

Do you face any of the following challenges in the saddle?

Getting stiffness in your hips/back/shoulders during or after you ride.

Maybe you feel imbalanced in the saddle, or not quite as strong, secure and aligned as you would like to be.

You might feel sticky or rigid in the saddle, and are not able to move as freely with the horse’s movement, in sitting trot for example.

Or maybe you are not able to ride for as long as you would like to, getting tired and losing concentration or making mistakes.

Or perhaps you get nervous or are lacking confidence in the saddle, especially after an injury or a fall, or if you are just coming back into riding after many years away.

Or maybe self doubt creeps into your thoughts at a competition, and you are struggling to manage anxiety and nerves.

Do any of these challenges resonate with you?

Whatever challenges you are experiencing in the saddle, it will fall into one of the 4 elements of our Dressage Rider Training System that this program is based upon.

They are:

Suppleness, Stability, Stamina and Mindset. 

Let me explain each of these and how they will improve your riding...

This program will improve your Suppleness in the saddle

Suppleness is achieved through a combination of elasticity, flexibility, and integrity of your muscles and ligaments that surround your joints.

Improving your Suppleness allows you to:

Gain a deeper seat
Move more freely with your horse's movement
Eliminate stiffness you may feel before, during or after you ride
Mount your horse with ease and grace
Gain a better posture in the saddle
Ride without aches and pains
Enjoy your riding more

Don’t just take my word for it. Hear what other riders just like you have to say about how they have improved their Suppleness within the Dressage Rider Training System, and the results they have seen…

Suppleness results achieved by others

"In just the 1st 4 weeks of DRT1 the changes in my riding, strength and flexibility were significant! My hips got looser, my upper back became more relaxed, and best of all, my riding improved as a result. I was able to open the hip angle, sit up straight, and maintain the position throughout my ride. I swear my horse has been saying “FINALLY”! I’m able to give her more support from the saddle and keep us both in alignment."

Calgary, Canada

"I now have the feeling of better suppleness through my body as I am able to do my sitting trot with more fluidity – both these areas are what I was targeting. I also feel more centered and better able to execute the canter pirouette work which I have really struggled with."

Gaborone, Botswana

"I work out on a regular basis, but what I didn’t realize is that I was quite inflexible. However, working on that flexibility has been an absolute game changer.
Also, my balance is SO much better because I now understand where my body is in space and time and on the horse, making his job so much easier.

I’ve never found an exercise program specifically for riding and yours is top notch! You taught me where my seat bones are, for example and how to keep them even. 

And, I have never done Yoga before, nor did I think I ever could, however, I tried it and I have come to LOVE it! 

I’m learning more than I ever thought possible."

MA, United States

If you are ready to transform your riding for good, and you want to fix your Suppleness properly, register now via the button below.

Otherwise read on to learn about how improving your Stability will help you in the saddle.

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This program will improve your Stability in the saddle

Stability is achieved through a combination of Core Strength, Balance, and Alignment.

Improving your Stability allows you to:

Gain a better posture & seat
Stay in position on a large or fast moving horse
Reduce your risks of falling from the saddle
Ride an improved seated trot
Give clearer & more precise aids
Ride with reduced stress on your body
Enjoy your riding more

Stability results achieved by others

"During a recent lesson, my horse spooked and then threw in a little buck. I stayed on! 

I absolutely credit DRT for a stronger core, stronger overall position, and faster reactions. My instructor cheered, “Your seat never left the saddle!”

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Woodland, Canada

"I have always maintained a good level of fitness through running, cycling and a variety of outdoor activities. 

However, as I began my journey of learning to ride correctly, it became clear that some of my core muscles were long neglected. 

DRT 1 and 2 really targeted my weak areas and I immediately became more straight, balanced and effective in the saddle. 

Both of my horses became much calmer and more willing as my cues became much more clear and concise. 

We all say thank you very much!"

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CO, United States

"The exercises completely dovetail with my coach’s teaching methods (pull your lats/armpits down to stabilize yourself, bear down with your core, and quit making so much noise with your legs).

I have found that DRT has given me the ability to utilize my “sitting surface” to sit the trot far more effectively, and keep myself upright in the saddle (at 5’4”, I’m used to riding the big guys, and was tending to get behind the vertical in the saddle) and stay in harmony with the horse."

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VA, United States

If you are ready to transform your riding for good, and you want more Stability in the saddle, register now via the button below.

Otherwise read on to learn about how improving your Stamina will also help your riding.

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This program will improve your
Stamina in the saddle

Stamina is achieved through a combination of Strength, Endurance, and Energy.

Improving your Stamina allows you to:

Ride for longer & make the most of every ride or lesson
Maintain mental clarity & eliminate mistakes
Reduce your risks of falling from the saddle
Improve your reaction time & be more effective
Preserve/enhance muscle mass & strong bones as you age
Make the most of every ride & lesson
Enjoy your riding more

Stamina results achieved by others

"I’ve done HIIT training before, as well as yoga and weight-lifting, but not systematically and not with a complete end-to-end vision either. 

If you trust in the process of DRT then the results will come. I have received comments from my trainer and even people I hardly know about the improvements in my seat. 

Riding feels different, I feel quicker and I never get tired (I’m 52 and ride my 178cm warmblood six days a week).

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"The ability to take on the workouts each week was very motivating. I feel much stronger. My trainer complimented me on improvements in strength and endurance in the saddle. And she does not hand those out very often. 

This whole program has provided me with more than just physical benefits but mental ones, too. I’ve gained confidence and calm focus through all aspects of my life."

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United States

"I have made huge improvements in my riding and physical fitness. I am now riding pain-free as my poor hips / lower back / core strength have improved tremendously. I’m riding sitting trot even better than I did years ago. 

My riding, my flexibility, strength, fitness and overall health (I’m type 2 diabetic) have improved enormously with DRT. 

Feeling pumped and proud!"

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If you are ready for more Stamina in the saddle, register now via the button below.

Otherwise read on to learn about how this program will help improve your Mindset for your riding also.

This program will improve your Mindset in the saddle

A productive Mindset is achieved through a combination of Focus, Thoughts, and Goals.

Improving your Mindset allows you to:

Think & respond calmly under pressure
Thrive on the challenge of overcoming obstacles
Reduce or eliminate anxiety when competing
Freedom to perform without judgment or fear
Maintain your commitment when things don't go as planned
Regain your confidence if you're returning from an injury, a setback, or time away
Enjoy your riding more

Mindset results achieved by others

"DRT was absolutely fabulous!! I looked forward to the work out each week so much. The feedback from family, friends and my coach has been amazing. The difference it has made is dramatic!!

I feel, coming from a rider that has been held back with mindset issues, your program has given me hope, so much confidence and belief in myself I can’t thank you enough!!

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"I came to the DRT program because I wanted to more fully embrace the two Cs I felt were lacking in my riding life: feeling control over my journey and growing my confidence in and out of the saddle.

As I feel more secure in the saddle, my confidence to ‘ride the horse’ has increased. Be it riding without stirrups or dealing with a spook out hacking: I’ve noticed that my balance has increased dramatically. I can also feel myself breathe and smile much more! All of this has led me to feel more capable.

As a plus size rider in a sport of teeny-tiny bodies, this sport can be daunting. DRT has encouraged me to think positively about the small changes we can make and then see/feel each week. I honestly cannot recommend this program enough."

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New Zealand

"I had returned to riding after a long stint out. I got back into the saddle thinking I could pick up from where I left. I found a fabulous 5yo Friesian X Mare to recommence my riding journey, what a shock that was! 

6 months into the journey things start to fall apart as to be expected. It was rough, I was an emotional mess and was doubting my ability and my confidence was depleted. Then I found DRT.

Nicola, this program is absolutely brilliant. I cannot explain but my attitude, fitness, strength, confidence, health, mindset, balance, you name it has improved. I can ride again, we are slowly increasing our jumping height and my mare is responding to me in such a positive way. 

I love what this program has done and allowed me to experience. I am so grateful!"

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If you are ready to receive a huge boost in confidence and self belief, register now via the pink button below.

Or if you are a details person, and want to know the structure and format of the program, keep reading on...

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This program has 3 phases...

Phase 1

Weeks 1-4

Mobility & Core Activation

We focus on developing a good foundation of functional strength, mobility & core activation. We do this through three 20 minute routines each week along with some stretching and mobility homework using a foam roller.

I also include some simple things to add to your daily ride to also help with your riding posture.

Phase 2

Weeks 5-8

Rider Strength & Stamina

The focus moves to further developing your rider strength and fitness, working on the muscles that riders require for good posture and strength.

The same 3x 20 minute workouts, but now your strength has increased from Phase 1. We keep challenging you, introducing Resistance Bands to help with this.

Phase 3

Weeks 9-12

Progressive Rider Balance

In this final stage we add in more progressive exercises for strength & balance.

You have the option of introducing a Balance Ball if you wish to take your workouts up to a new level.

In this stage you will start to notice the changes in your riding with all your hard work paying off.

...with the following weekly sessions


Flexibility | Elasticity | Integrity

Each week you will have one 20 minute Suppleness workout to complete.

This combines yoga, mobility & stretching to free up your spine, hips & shoulders. Achieving flexibility & elasticity is the objective.


Core Strength | Balance | Alignment

Each week you will have one 20 minute Stability workout to complete.

This contains dressage specific core exercises to strengthen your mid section & your seated position in the saddle.


Strength | Endurance | Energy

Each week you will have one 20 minute rider strength workout to complete.

This workout focuses on your overall strength of your legs & sling muscles to improve your endurance & energy levels.


Learn | Refine | Review

Each week you will have some specific homework to do.

This may include some extra stretching, mobility work, or something to focus on while riding (for example riding without stirrups for a period of time).


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access the program?

When purchasing you will receive login details to our website that contains the program. Each week you will receive an email with everything you need to do that week, with links to the workouts and resources to do that week on the website.

On the website you can download the video workouts to do, or you can push play and stream them on your computer, laptop or mobile device, the same as a youtube video.

Can I download the workouts?

Yes, you can download each workout individually to your computer, or you can order a USB Drive at any time throughout the program that gets delivered to your door. It contains all the video workouts and resources you need to do the program offline. Please note there is an extra cost for this.

Are the workouts live?

No, the workouts are not live as such, you can do them when they work best for you in the week. Nicola suggests Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but she stresses that you can absolutely move them around to suit your schedule. The program is flexible in this way.

How long are the workouts?

The workouts are approximately 20 minutes long and you have 3 to do each week. Nicola has made this so they are achievable and can fit into your full days. There are also optional homework exercises, both on the horse, and off the horse.

Is this suitable for beginner fitness levels?

Yes absolutely! Every workout has options to make it easier if needed, and you can ask me for help modifying any exercises if you have specific limited movements due to a previous injury or the like.

Can I do this if I've had a hip or knee replacement?

Yes, we have had many participants who have had hip or knee replacements complete this program. There are options to manage this, and you can ask Nicola for help at any time if you find there is something you cannot do. There is always an alternative!

Can I repeat workouts & go at my own pace?

Yes absolutely. Some participants choose to repeat Phase 1 of the program (first 4 weeks) until they feel ready to progress. So you are more than welcome to work through the program at your own pace. There will always be others who are at the same stage as you.

How long do I have access to the program for?

You will have 6 months access to the program on our website, giving you plenty of time to complete it. After this you can download the program to your computer to keep, or order the USB Drive. Then it will be permanently yours.

Do you provide support & guidance?

Absolutely! I am here to help you every step of the way. We also have a fantastic community of past and current participants both on our website and private Facebook Group. They provide motivation, encouragement and support to each other. Because everyone is on the same journey and shares the same passion. You will love it!

Will this program be too much for me?

It is highly unlikely. Average age of participants is 55, with 20% being age 60+, and 70 year olds complete the program successfully. I am very conscious of the needs of this older demographic. Every workout has options to make it easier if needed, and if there is something you cannot do, you can just let me know and we can find an alternative for you to do. As there is always another option!

Program in Progress

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If you don't ride dressage, if you don't compete, or if you are not sure if you will benefit from this program, read Sandi's comment below!

DRT was on my radar for quite a while before I finally committed and signed up. I hesitated as I wasn’t sure if I would benefit. I’m 57, I am not a dressage rider, I don’t compete but I do enjoy riding my horse in a variety of disciplines. 

I already did Pilates, worked on my core and did hip flexor exercises to help my lower back but finally I decided I needed some structure to my exercise plan so I signed up and I am so glad I did.

Somehow, just the 3 x 20 minute sessions a week work wonders and after just a few weeks I could feel an improvement in my seat and now am able to hold tone but remain relaxed and feel so much more part of my horse. 

Off the horse I have much better posture, am stronger, more flexible and am aware of where my weaknesses are so know what to work on. 

The sessions are enjoyable and the multiple options mean you will always be able to do it, keeping your motivation to improve.

I worked through the course in the 12 weeks but am now repeating it, working on the areas I found the hardest and with so much extra content it is very good value for money. 

I feel fitter and stronger than ever. If you ride, you should do this course! 

Thanks Nicola!

Sandi Leach

United Kingdom

If you think this program might be too much for you, read what Kara has to say...

I signed up for DRT1 to get back in shape after family crises forced me to take a nearly two-year hiatus from riding.

I was completely out of shape and at a point where I thought it might be time to give up horses. It felt unfair to ride my mare because I was so off balance and tottery. DRT looked daunting, but I thought “If I can get through this, I can get back in the saddle.”

For me, DRT was a miracle.

The program was a lot easier than I expected. Your support and guidance along the way was wonderful. DRT’s phased fitness-building program gave me more energy and strength than I’ve had in years. I feel more flexible, balanced, supple, and relaxed in the saddle.

My confidence is coming back and riding is fun again. My Icelandic mare and I haven’t tried a dressage test yet, but it is our new goal.

Regular exercise with DRT hasn’t just helped my riding. I feel better all over. This program has been life changing for me, and I cannot wait to start DRT2.

Thank you so much for this terrific program.

Kara Noble

United States

If you are a high level rider thinking "I'm not sure I'll get much out of this program", read Professional Rider Vanessa Way's comments below...

I am a professional Dressage Rider and Coach who competes at the top Grand Prix level, pushing my horses and myself physically to the highest level. 

I joined the DRT dressage program as I was wanting to improve my strength and performance in the saddle and gain any resultant advantage to my riding. 

Also, I had noticed that my flexibility had been deteriorating over recent months. I was finding that it was a constant struggle to remain even in the saddle due to several past fractures and resultant bad muscle memory. 

I can honestly say that joining this program has not only totally improved my evenness, but it has strengthened my ability to activate my core with a total new depth and understanding. 

This is by far my best purchase in years.

Vanessa Way

New Zealand

I hope these comments help you make that decision to go for it. I’m so confident you won’t have any regrets. Thousands of participants from all over the world can’t be wrong, can they?

Register via the pink button below, and I truly look forward to having you with us on the program, I know you will love it :).

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This program is for riders just like you

Whether you are a casual, serious, or competitive rider, this program is for you.

Whether you ride pleasure, dressage, show jumping, eventing, hunter, or any other discipline, the fundamentals of suppleness, stability, stamina, and mindset applies to all forms of horseback riding.

Age is not a barrier to doing this program. I want to be riding when I am age 90+ and not let my body hold me back from doing what I love. If you do too, this program will help maintain your body so that it doesn't stop you from riding.

Gain strength in the support mechanisms that support your spine
Increase your mobility and flexibility in your joints & muscles
Understand how your posture affects the way your horse moves
Increase the strength of your core and improve your stability
Gain good posture, prevent injury and improve your riding
Improve your static stability and dynamic stability on your horse
Improve the recruitment of your stability and postural muscles
Develop movements that combine functional exercises for better performance
Develop your skills to isolate certain muscles, then integrate into better riding
The ability to avoid pain
The specific training that you need so you don't overtrain or waste time with the wrong exercises
The skills for perfect practice which makes perfect

My Guarantee to you

I am so confident you will love this Dressage Rider Training Program that I am happy to offer you a 30 Day Guarantee.

I want you to be happy with this program. If you start the program & find it is not what you expected, you can ask for a full & complete refund, no questions asked.

We strive for honesty & transparency, we simply want you to be 100% confident in your decision to try this program.

What happens once you purchase

Upon purchase, you will be given login details to the Online Gym website that contains the Dressage Rider Training program (you will notice that when you login the URL is at foreverfit.tv and the website is called the Online Gym).

The Dressage Rider Training program is contained within the Online Gym as an exclusive program that standard members will not be able to access. However your purchase of this program will allow you to access ALL other areas of the Online Gym as well for 6 months.

Program Access

This is a 12-week dressage specific program contained with the Online Gym website. Your access to the Online Gym will remain for 6 months. To continue to access the DRT program after this period, you have two options:

1 - You can download ALL course material including videos & workout plans at any stage. As you will have purchased this DRT program, it is yours to keep & you are absolutely entitled to download it. We show you how.

2 - If you like everything the Online Gym has to offer, after 6 months passes you can choose to continue as an Online Gym member for a monthly or yearly fee, & your access to the DRT program will remain for as long as you are an Online Gym member.

You do not have to decide which option to choose now, I would recommend you start the program and decide once you near completion.



My name is Nicola Smith. I have a University Degree in Physical Education & Exercise Prescription, and have spent my entire life in the health & wellness industry. Firstly as a Personal Trainer, secondly as a Group Fitness Instructor, and finally the last 10 years running Dressage Rider Training.

I am a dressage rider who is hugely passionate about horses and riding, ever since I was a young girl with my pony 'Smokey' (pic below).

My lifetime of riding, combined with my knowledge and experience in Exercise Prescription, give me a deep understanding of the requirements a rider needs in the saddle. The elastic strength, the balance, the biomechanics, the quick reactions.

This unique knowledge led me to creating Dressage Rider Training, which has now helped 21,000+ riders from 81 countries! I am super confident this program will help you too, and give you the results you want :).

Keep reading below to learn about how this program works, and what is included.

Bachelor of Physical Education & Exercise Prescription
Otago University
CHEK Level 2 Practitioner
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner
dressage rider training competition photo

I know this program is going to help your riding, and give you everything you want out of it.

If you have any final questions regarding the Dressage Rider Training program, or if you're not sure about something, please do use the chat box at bottom right of screen to send me a message. I would love to hear from you and help as best I can."

Helping you be a better partner for your horse.

Kind regards

Nicola Smith

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