Dealing With Stress To Improve Your Riding
Whether you’re an elite dressage rider or someone hopping on a horse for the first time, we all experience stress….
How Visualization Can Help Your Dressage
Multi tasking and doing lots of things at once is essentially being distracted and often the more we multi task…
What To Do The Day Of Your Competition
The day of your competition is a time when you want all your hard work to shine. Where you and…
Breathe And Your Dressage Posture
Breathing is something we obviously do every day, but how you breath has a huge impact on how you feel…
Nutrition Tips Before Your Competition
In the 24 hours before your competition, you will undoubtedly be feeling anxious and nervous while also really excited. Especially…
6 Key Behaviours Of Elite Performers
One of the hardest words for me to learn to say was the word no. I was so used to…
How To Reduce Rider Tension
Tension tension tension! Have you ever had the remark from a judge “horse was tense” or something along those lines?…
Internal Verses External Success
Often in our lives we do things for external praise. Maybe its doing a degree because your parents wanted you…
How To Relax When Riding
I dislike like the word relax when it comes to riding and being around horses, because the truth is they…
Is Confusion Holding You Back?
I used to get so very confused! I would get told one thing from one person and another from someone…