Do You Have A Bad Case Of Comparintinitis?
Yes I know this isn’t a real word, but you will know what I mean by it very shortly. You see to often I see people holding them selves from progressing because they are continuing to spend there lives comparing themselves to others. Of which I am calling a good case of comparintinitis. Its where our ego and comparing ourselves to others holds us back from really succeeding and improving.
Yes when you are out competing being compared is part of the sport, however before you even get into that arena start focusing on yourself and not on how you stack up to others. When you take this approach and you begin to focus on YOUR journey. By doing this you then really get to celebrate the improvements that YOU are making. However if you keep comparing you will always feel you aren’t good enough and never get the courage to enjoy your sport and you will miss those little milestones that YOU make and are worth celebrating.
By focusing on your journey you will then gather knowledge that is right for you at the stage you are at. This is where you improve and this is then when you begin to make big leaps forward in your training. By improving on YOUR journey you will then gain the confidence to head out to a competition arena fully prepared knowing that you have put in the work and you are fully ready to be compared.
However when you spend your time comparing every day what often happens is that you get paralyzed and depressed and upset with how you stack up. A slice of this is good, as you can use it as a drive to make you work harder, but often it creates fear and causes us to not move forward.
Instead why not spend time getting advice, lessons and reading all the amazing books out there on offer that can help you work on your weaknesses and improve your riding and technique. When you then start to focus on the right things and build your riding awareness and education up, you then will have the power to go out and shine and feel great in doing so, because you have put in the work.
Education, guidance and knowledge is power. So don’t get stuck comparing yourself to others, instead get on your own journey and learn and apply what you can to where you are at. Its about improving yourself and not comparing yourself to others. When you do this, this is when you are able to truley enjoy your riding.
Start to focus on your journey and improve your riding with our Dressage Rider Training Program. Everything from core workouts, through to mobility and mindset advice. Get all the tools you need to improve your riding from the comfort of your own home. Build confidence by improving your riding position and posture. Learn more about the program here.
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