Is Running Good For Dressage Riders?

Is running good for dressage riders and what type of running will have the best results in the saddle. I…

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What Does It Mean To Have Neutral Spine

You have heard me in the past mention the concept of a neutral spine and why it is an important…

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Mastering Your Inner Game

I have recently just finished listening to the book ‘Mastering your inner game of tennis” which I highly recommend! It…

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Understanding Your Fascia And Its Role In The Saddle

Fascia is a broad term for the connective tissue that weaves throughout the entire body to stabilize and bind our…

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The Natural Decline

One of my most motivating factors in training and sharing the DRT program with you is to help you do…

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The Messy Middle

I love the little lessons I learned in developing our property and how relatable it is to riding. We couldn’t…

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Being Realistic With Your Results

Impatience is a habit, and so is patience. When we lack patience whether it is in our training personally or…

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Sit better, sit different, sit less

Understanding how your body adapts to your environment is a fundamental element in helping you improve your position in the…

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A Focused And Engaged Mind

Dressage mindset is something we can all work on I believe and learning to have a more focused and engaged…

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Upper Cross Syndrome In Dressage Riders

Upper cross syndrome and how it relates to your posture in the saddle. Learn how to improve it and prevent…

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