Why Living In Your Comfort Zone Is Stopping You From Reaching Your Potential
Many of us, including me, have established a comfort zone in our lives, we have a routine and a structure…
Make Mistakes, It Makes You Better
“The peroson who doesn’t makes mistakes is unlikely to make anything” You probably have noticed that the spelling…
What Is Standing In Your Way?
Sometimes we can get stuck on the treadmill of life and start to observe others lives as better than ours…
Stop Caring What Others Think
The world of dressage and horses in general, has a lot of people with opinions and strong ones! Heres the…
Simple Reminders To Achieve A Successful Rider Mindset
Everything in riding can be changed with the right mindset and one of the first places, to begin with, is…
It’s Not About Perfection
I have always disliked the word perfection for many reasons. One of the main ones is that I see it…
What Story Do You Tell Yourself?
Everything is a story we tell ourselves, we have an inner dialogue that is either positively wired or negatively wired….
Become Immune To Negativity
I want to paint a picture for you. Bear with me as I do, as I hope it will help…
Setting Goals To Help You Develop Into A Better Rider
I’m a big believer that you can achieve anything you want from life if you have focus and work hard….
Dealing With Judgement
As we trot down the center line we are paying someone to judge us. It’s part of the sport we…