Is Strength Training Beneficial For My Riding Fitness?

It’s common for dressage riders to be unsure of how to improve their fitness to enhance their riding. Strength is…
How The Office Chair Affects Your Core Strength

I’m sure you’ve experienced the feeling of tight shoulders, lower back pain and stiff hips after sitting for a period…
5 Exercises To Test And Improve Your Rider Symmetry

Improve rider symmetry and discover some simple tests you can do to see where you are at today. Improve rider…
How Mobility And Yoga Can Help Your Riding

When you’re in your twenties, it seems you can go a 110 percent at the gym, a charity run, or…
How To Set Up Neutral Spine For Dressage Riders

In this article I discuss neutral spine for dressage riders and why it’s important to understand. Learn what neutral spine…
Dressage Posture – Improve The Health Of Your Spine

Great posture is one of the keys for a balanced horse that’s connected with their rider. That’s because spine health…
The Role Our Adductors Play In Dressage Position

As dressage riders, our adductor strength plays an integral role in our seat. The adductor muscles, located in our inner…
The Ultimate Core Exercise For Dressage Riders

Core strength is vital for dressage riders to remain balanced and connected with the horse. It’s not the type of…
Using A Balance Ball To Improve Your Seat In Dressage

Establishing balanced seat bones and a strong core is vital for dressage riders to move freely with their horse. A…
Dressage Rider Exercises For Improved Fitness

Here are some great dressage rider exercises to help improve overall rider fitness and stamina. By including them you will…