Dressage Rider Exercises For Improved Fitness

Here are some great dressage rider exercises to help improve overall rider fitness and stamina. By including them you will…

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Joint Pain In Dressage Riders

Even though a dressage rider creates the illusion of being still the body does an incredible amount of movement to…

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Why Do You Bounce

Today I wanted to carry on talking about sitting trot and provide you with some more information on how to…

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Improve Your Ability To Sit To The Trot (Part 2)

Now that you understand the importance of supple hips from part one lets take a look at our pelvis. This…

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Improve Your Ability To Sit To The Trot (Part 1)

In order to improve our sitting trot, first it is best to understand what the movement involves so that you…

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How The Psoas Affects Your Pelvis Stability

When we are riding in correct posture and with good neutral spine our pelvis is evenly balanced and we are…

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The Role Of The Psoas Muscle In Dressage Riders

As we progress our dressage posture and balance its important to get a good understanding of what muscles can really…

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The Biomechanics Of Balance In Dressage

Being a good dressage rider requires an incredibly unique combination of the right sort of strength and lightness. It requires…

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The Best Stretches For Dressage Riders (In Less Than 5 Minutes)

Here I will guide you through what I have found to be the great stretches for dressage riders to do…

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Midline Stabilization And Organization For Dressage Riders

In order to be a successful dressage rider no matter what level you are riding at, its important that you…

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