The Biomechanics Of Balance In Dressage

Being a good dressage rider requires an incredibly unique combination of the right sort of strength and lightness. It requires…
Resistance Band Exercises For Dressage Riders

Here I share why I love to use resistance band exercises for dressage riders to help improve their posture and…
Midline Stabilization And Organization For Dressage Riders

In order to be a successful dressage rider no matter what level you are riding at, its important that you…
Upper Body Exercises For Dressage Riders

Here are a selection of upper body exercises for dressage riders to help improve their riding posture and position in…
5 Yoga Poses To Improve Your Dressage

Yoga is an incredibly under utilized form of training for dressage riders and I would love to see that change….
Why Planks Are Great For Dressage Rider Posture (With 6 Different Variations To Try)

As a dressage rider our goal is to remain super stable and balanced, yet have the ability to move our…
Strength Exercises For Horse Riders – Improve With These 6 Core Exercises

In this article I share core strength exercises for horse riders with a target towards dressage. Learn how to improve…
Dressage Strength – Improve Your Posture + Balance In the Saddle

Here I share how you can improve your dressage strength out of the saddle. This will ultimately help you seat…