5 Exercises To Test And Improve Your Rider Symmetry
Improve rider symmetry and discover some simple tests you can do to see where you are at today.
Improve rider symmetry, and you will also improve your balance and control. We require our horses to create this balance, suppleness and symmetry; we are the same.
What goes on in our bodies is often reflected in our horses when we ride. From a weak left side through to tight hips on the other side. These things can create little imbalances within our body which are then highlighted on our horse.
So today, I thought I would share some exercises to see how evenly balanced you are on each side. Use these exercises to improve the weak side by working more in this area.
“Symmetry is something we strive to achieve in our horse, so it makes sense that we would address our own balance and symmetry before we add the horse to the equation.”
Lunges are a great way to see how stable we are through our legs. Start by stepping one leg back and lower your back knee towards the ground. If you have knee issues, don’t go to low. The aim being that you are trying to take your knee to the ground. Keep your body upright and don’t tip forward. Start with just a few reps each leg and build up to 10-15 each side.
Toe Taps
This is a great test of your balance and coordination. Something so important for riders. Keep your back leg on the ground if you find your balance isn’t there. Take is slowly and start with just a few reps each leg and build up to 10-15 each side.
Horse stance
This is great for improving your back symmetry and core strength. Think of balancing a stick down the length of your back or a glass of water in your lower back. Don’t let it spill, keep the back still and stable. If you find it to much with both the leg and arm, start with just one and build up to both together. Begin with few reps each side and build up to 10-15 altogether.
Oblique lifts
Often an exercise that will really highlight which side is stronger. Aim to keep your hips open by having your knees in line with your body ie no bend in the hips. Lift the hips off the ground and lower back down again. To make this harder, don’t have the bottom knee on the ground and lift the entire side of your body off the ground. Lower and lift at the rate of your breath. Start with just a few reps each side and build up to 10-15 each side.
Single leg bridges
This is much harder that you would think. Start with both legs down and then work up to lifting one leg off the ground. Its a really powerful exercise to realise which side is weaker, even if you can just do one or two reps. Build up to 10 each side.
There you have 5 great exercises to improve rider symmetry, try doing them as a circuit and put them into your regular routine. The more you improve your overall posture, balance and strength off the horse, the more this will be reflected in the saddle.
Dressage is all about you, the rider and the horse. It is a team sport, so we developed a training system for you as a rider. It is designed to help you work on symmetry, balance, coordination and suppleness while OFF the horse. With the aim that when you are riding, you can sit in good posture and control and be able to focus on your horse during that time when you are in the saddle and not hold your horse back from achieving its potential.
To get started on your journey, take a look at our FREE Rider Fitness guide here and discover our system of training. Learn the four elements that go into you as a dressage rider and how you can begin to develop them today.
Dressage Rider Training is for you as a rider and to help you develop into the best rider you can be.
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